Monday, July 23, 2007

... just like the name. I'm loving this tool! I've had bookmarks on at least three different computers, and even more different browsers, for years and haven't found a way to coordinate my resources before this. This makes me very very happy.

I actually signed up to delicious months ago but was using a public computer at the time and got stuck at the point where it allows you to install menu bar utilities for your browser and import bookmarks. It took until this assignment for me to get back to it. It helps that I've switched to Firefox in the intervening time. It was a bit tricky figuring out how to bulk import Safari book marks (first import them into Firefox and then use delicious import tool in Firefox).

Having spent the first while organizing (checking and re-tagging) my bookmarks within delicious, I've just started to scratch the surface of what it can do. I've tried searching for other sources by tags and have added some good resources into my list. I'm also very interested in the Link Roll feature. I don't have any lists that are as complete or as clean as I'd like, but I can see some very nice applications for this.

The whole idea of collective tagging and sharing resources seems to be the perfect embodiment of Web 2.0.

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